Friday, August 27, 2004

Fun in the pool

Hello all,

Last night, Ali and Zac played in the pool. They sure had a lot of fun splashing around. Zac even put his head under water for a second or two without crying later. Ali splashed around while playing with her Dora the Explorer doll. Zac and I played catch with the mini-basketball. It was a good break to a long day.

Jennifer had her second BeautiControl party this week. Her business is taking off. I'm very impressed by how determined she is to make this work. She has had five parties in August and has four more scheduled for September. Her goal is to have four / five parties a month. So far, she is on pace to make that happen.

As for my dad, I spoke with him late last night. He is still trying to recover from not sleeping very well yesterday. His doctors have yet to uncover the root cause for his problems. I am praying that they find it soon. I want him to come home.

Well, better close and get something done.


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