Sunday, November 21, 2004

Cleaning House

Hello all,

Since the Chiefs play tomorrow night on Monday Night Football, Jen and I took the opportunity to clean the house up. We tackled the basement and kids rooms first. I used mom's bissell carpet cleaner on Ali's floor after I vacuumed. It was filthy! Ahhh, disgusting. I guess that is what I should expect from a four and two year old! I'm glad it is clean now.

After those rooms were cleaned, I moved to the basement to vacuum and pick up their toys. I should have gone through the toy box and removed the toys that they don't play with anymore, but I will save that for another day. After I finished cleaning, it was time to think about relaxing and enjoying the evening with the family.

Ali and Zac went down for a nap around 3:00 and were asleep at 5:30. That is when Jen and I got them up for the night. They were both in great moods after a nap. Dinner was peanut butter toast and mixed fruits. It is my kids favorite. It is quick and easy and easy to clean up.

We watched Extreme Makeover, Home addition later. It was about a farm family that has recently lost their dad to an automobile accident. It really hit close to home. I can remember helping families take their harvest out when either the dad was sick or hurt. If you have never seen it in person, it is truly amazing to see four combines and a line of wagons and trucks ready to haul a field away. A field that should take a day to finish is finished in a few hours. It is a wonderful feeling to help someone out like that.

Sorry about that tangent away from the show, but this is my blog and I can write what I want. :) The show was very nice. ABC has really found a gold mine with that show.

I better close and get to bed.



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