Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Been a long time

Hello all,

It has been a long time since I last wrote to you all and a lot has happened in my life and the lives of those in my family. As you all know, my dad has been ill for the past several months. In September, I prayed that he would be able to see my sister Danna get married. Then I prayed that he would be there for Thanksgiving. Christmas was the next major holiday which he watched come and go.

I spent Christmas day in Iowa with my family. Actually, it was a combination of my family and Jen's family since her mother, Diane, came along. Dad is now in hospice care and is unable to get out of bed. His room is right off of the living room which is easy access for everyone to go in and sit with him. I helped him with his lunch and also massaged his back for a while. I try not to cry while in his room. Dad doesn't need to see me doing that. When I feel a tear coming on, I turn my head away and try to fight it off. I won't lie to you, a few tears have fallen despite my best efforts.

I was so proud of both Ali and Zac. They both did great with Dad. Ali was originally unsure about Dad's oxygen machine, but with some help from Jen, she warmed up to it quickly. By the middle of the afternoon, she was sitting on the corner of his bed looking at the screen saver pictures on the computer. Both Ali and Zac brought a lot of laughter into a house that needed some Holiday cheer.

At this time I want to recognize my sisters for being so strong. We have all leaned on each since Dad was diagnosed. It has been said that times of great struggle bring a family closer. Whoever penned that phrase was correct. These are the times that show you what a family is made of.

Mom - I love you. What you do every day for dad is a testament to the love you and dad share. I love you so much.

- Bill's Son


Blogger Steve Brown said...

Andy this is one of your best post ever.

December 28, 2004 9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy -

You have all been so strong over the past year. I want you to know how much you are admired and loved by all of us. You are all in our prayers and thoughts.


December 29, 2004 10:09 AM  

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