Sunday, January 23, 2005

Note on the weekend

Hello all,

I went up to see mom and dad Friday and Saturday. Jen took mom to Omaha Saturday morning to shop for a new dresser for upstairs while I stayed at home with Dad. Staying with Dad and caring for him allowed me to reflect on these past few months as well as some of the best times we have shared as a father - son pair.

Dad slept for most of the morning. He woke up a few times and tried to get out of bed, but was confused why his legs did not work. He asked me what was wrong. I let him know that he was sick and needed to stay seated and I would get him anything that he needed. We talked about the thoughts that were going through his mind. He was sure the Russians were going to bomb us any day now. From the way he was talking, I would attribute it to the Cuban missile Crisis from the early 1960's. We talked for another five minutes or so and he asked to lay down again. I helped him get his legs back into bed and covered him up. I put his canula back over his ears and rubbed his back until he drifted back to sleep.

I was in the living room when I heard his bed start to creek again. He had swung his legs over the side of the bed and was looking for a way to stand up. He said he had to go out and do chores. I reassured him that the chores were done. I told him it was very cold outside and he should stay in the house where it is warmer. Dad nodded his head in agreement as he listened to the wind howl outside his window. We had another short conversation and it was soon time to cover him back up and drift back to sleep.

Staying with Dad was something I didn't think I was ready for. I needed reassurance from both Jen and my mom that I was qualified to do it. I was unsure that I would be able to help him. While Jen and mom were out, I found that I could do it and it made me happy to be there for dad. He has cared for me for so long, it is only right that I care for him.

Thanks dad...



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