Thursday, May 05, 2005

Near miss

Hello all,

I stopped a kid from being hit by a moving car tonight at HY-VEE. He looked to be about three year old. He broke away from his mother while they were leaving the store. As his mother was calling for him to stop, he proceeded to make his way through the row of parked cars. As I watched this unfold before me, I noticed a black SUV traveling down the row. The kid turned West. He was going to run out in front of this truck. I started yelling "Hey Stop!" and made a lung for him. I caught him by the neck of his shirt. The truck passed us right then.

Three things I will never forget:
The look on the drivers face. She could not have seen us. The boy was running out from behind a van.

The mother of the boy. She was screaming for him to stop as well as get the drivers attention.

The boys face. Unaware of what almost happened to him.

Once his mother had him, I walked away. She thanked me for my help. I said "your welcome" and proceeded into the store. As I was walking the aisles, I started to think about what had happened. I was there to get a few things for Jen's office pot luck tomorrow. She had given me a list before I had left. As I pulled into the parking lot, I had the list in my right hand. I somehow got out of my car and walked into the store only to realize the list was missing. I returned to the car and turned around to see the boy break away from his mother. Fate? Coincidence? Divine Intervention? Or a guardian angle? I don't know really. Tonight I am thinking it was dad looking out for a kid about the age of Ali and Zac. I want to think that he was riding shotgun with me tonight and found a way to get me to put the list down and walk into the store. I think that he talked me into going back out to my car even though I knew exactly what was on the list.

Thanks dad. There is a little boy in KC sleeping safe and sound because you were riding with me tonight.

Good night dad.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy, I thought I had better commend you for your act of heroism. Wow! The pictures of Zack were neat--oh, how he is changing. Keep up the good work.
Love, Prayers and Hugs
Aunt Kathy

May 06, 2005 11:08 PM  

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