Thursday, August 04, 2005

It has been a long time

Hello all,

My last post was the 11th of July, so let me get you all caught up with what has happened since I last wrote in my blog. On the 22th of July, Jen and I closed on our new home. We immediately started moving boxes into the new home that afternoon. By midnight, Jen and I had managed to get a foothold in the house. It was completely disorganized, but at least we had our "stuff" in the house.

The next morning started at 6:00 with a new day of moving. We had hired Two Men and a Truck to move all of the furniture as well as a few appliances. They did what we had hired them to do -- with only one casualty. My daughter's dresser was broken beyond repair. I was glad to have these guys moving our stuff since it was over 100° F outside. By the end of the second day, all that remained at the other house was a few left overs and a kiss good-bye from me.

By Sunday night, Jen and I were living in the new house and starting to make good progress finding places for all of the stuff that we had packed into the house. While I am thinking of it, let me take a minute to thank my sister Danna, Father-in-law Larry as well as my Mother-in-law Diane for helping Jennifer and I move in. Each one of them provided both Jennifer and I with a much needed shot in the arm when we were exhausted. Thank you all, we would not be in this house without your help. :)

Jen was on Vacation on Monday so we spent the day unpacking and organizing the house. It was a lot of hard work, but we made progress. Tuesday and Wednesday I was home alone. Our trip to Dallas, TX was just around the corner and it was time to get packed for the trip South.

I'll skip over the bus ride down to Dallas. It was not as much fun as I had thought it would be. However, the BeautiControl conference was excellent. I learned a lot about my wife's business and am ready to help her as her business grows.

The ride back to Kansas City was worse then the ride down. The air conditioning went out due to a belt breaking. We drove for almost an hour without air. Thirty women riding in a tin can without air equals bad times for all. We left Dallas at 2:30 PM and didn't get back to Kansas City until after 1:00 AM. It was a long night.

Since Monday, I have been getting things straightened up in the kids rooms since they are home from visiting my mother for a week. Having the kids home is great. I have really missed them.

That is about it. Thanks for checking in on me.



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