Sunday, February 12, 2006

Thank you mom

Hello all,

Yesterday my mother came down from Randolph to visit. It was nice to be able to see her again. The last time we were together was for Ali's birthday party. She looked great. When she walked in the front door, I could see her smile broaden as the kids yelled her name.

It was great to see mom smile like that again.

Well, after a quick nap by all parties ( even Ali and Zac ) we all watched some of the Olympics and started to catch up on what was happening back home. It was good to hear that things are going ok back home.

When the kids were upstairs and Jen in another room, mom and I were able to talk about dad in a way were had yet to do. Many tears were shed by both of us. To talk about the last time my father spoke to me was very moving. Even though I think of it often, I rarely speak of it. I thought yesterday was the right day to share with mom what dad told me that day.

With a very clear, steady voice my father began to speak to me as I sat on his bedside. He took my hand and smiled at me and began. He started by saying I have a beautiful family and I should be proud. He was also proud of the husband and father I have grown into. After a long pause, he pulled me close to him and hugged me. As we hugged, he said "Take care of the family."

That is when I could not stop crying. In my father's arms, I cried hard. Deep sighs and streams of tears flowed down my face. These were the last words my father spoke to me. He was gone later that week.

To share that story with my mother was a milestone for me. I wanted to share it with her. On Saturday, we had talked so much about dad, I felt like he was right there with us.

Thanks for being with us today Dad.

Your son,



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