Sunday, July 23, 2006

First night without the kids

Hello all,

Yep, it is quiet in the house. Jennifer and I spent the day relaxing in the house after watching the final round of the British Open. After watching a little TV, we took an afternoon nap (which we have not done in YEARS). The dog woke me up at 5:20 after napping for two hours. Wow, I was groggy. I was going to mow the yard, but I did not have the motivation. Maybe tomorrow.

After a bite to eat at Margaritas, it was home again in time to play a few games of cribbage and have Jen attend her BeautiControl conference call for the upcoming trip to Dallas. Yep, we had successfully wasted the day away. We managed not to talk about how much we missed the kids until Danna and Jen started an instant messenger conversation. From what Danna said over the conversation, Zac and Ali had a great day with Mom. Ali made some new friends at a picnic and Zac entertained the group with vacation bible school songs.

It was soon time for bed. I was lost at first. I didn't have Ali and Zac guide through the evening's routine of brushing their teeth and putting on their PJ's. I didn't have anyone to tuck into bed and kiss good-night. I didn't have Ali telling Zac all about what they are going to do tomorrow after I shut their door. Jen found me at the top of the staircase looking into their room. Wow... day one and I feel like they have been gone a year.

Good night,



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