Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Taco Tuesday with the kids

Hello all,

Tonight after Ali's soccer practice, the family went to Margarita's for Taco Tuesday! The kids had their standard meal (bowl of shredded cheese) while Jennifer and I had tacos. I was shocked when our food came out before our drinks! The food was great and the kids really behaved themselves well. Zac even did a rendition of some vacation bible school songs for the table behind us which the family was very impressed with.

After dinner, Zac and I ran to HY-VEE to get some much needed orange juice and milk for breakfast tomorrow. While shopping, the little guy let me know the number of each isle we were walking down. He also pointed out some of his favorite foods. He as really grown up a lot in two days. He is speaking more clearly as well. Wow... I can't wait to see what he is doing in a month!

Just before bedtime, my mom called and chatted with Ali about her school. Nana did most of the talking with an occasional "uh huh" from Ali. I'm sure there will be many more conversations in their future.

That is about it for now.



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