Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Echos of my father's voice

Hello all,

Today is the second anniversary of the passing of my father Bill Scott. I have reflecting a on our relationship for most of the day and several things started to surface while I thought about dad's personality. For the first time I recognized that I am demonstrating a lot of the same characteristic of my dad. Dad always had a way of knowing when someone needed to someone to drop by and say "hi" or just be there to talk to. He was also one of the first people that would get involved if a his help was needed.

Over the past year, I have been changing. It may have been imperceptible on a day by day account, but I could feel it. I am not as skeptical as I once was. I am wanting to help more in my community.

I am thanking God for the gifts I have received instead of asking for more. This has given me great peace. I know that I do not know why God chose to take Dad away from my family when he did. It is not my place to know that. In time, I will be told all. That give me great comfort and allows me to concentrate on being a good husband, father, brother, son and friend.

On this anniversary, I think that is a lesson that Dad would like me to learn. Right now I feel like he is standing next to me and smiling at me while he pats me on the shoulder in approval. (My body is tingling right now... I can feel him next to me.)

I love you DAD.




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