Saturday, June 30, 2007

Up to Nana's house for a day of work

Hello all,

This morning I drove up to my mom's house to work on the farm and bring the kids home. The first task was to brace the machine shed's rear post. That did not take long. The next task was more difficult. First we pulled Sam out of the machine shed with mom's tractor and then removed three feet of dirt from the floor to allow the truck to be completely covered from the elements. The next thing we did was push it back into its new place. It was good to be inside my old truck. I sure did have a lot of GREAT memories in that machine.

My next task was cutting down brush with my chainsaw and pruners. Wow, that process took forever! I was very happy to be finished and have a cold drink of water. Finally, it was time to put everything back were it belonged and take a shower and hit the road after eating dinner with Nana.

After a few tears good-bye, we were on our way to Kansas City. We made it home after 9:00. The kids were EXCITED to see their surprise. We had been hinting that something big was waiting for them all week. Sure enough, it was a great night with the family.

Good night,



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