Monday, August 13, 2007

At Home with the Kids

Hello all,

Wow, what a day at home with the kids. To begin, our babysitter was closed due to personal reasons and I worked from home. The kids were great in the morning. They were up and had breakfast in good order. When it was time for lunch, we took Jennifer lunch at Unimed and then returned home for ham sandwiches and carrots. Zac ate great, but Ali decided she wanted to have PB&J instead. After some discussion, a compromise was met and tranquility returned to our home.

It was soon time for mom to return from work. Both Ali and Zac met Jennifer at the door with hugs and kisses. I could tell that they had enough of me for the day and they wanted some mom time.

Dinner was our normal Monday special from Papa Johns and then it was time to go outside and play before bath time and PJ's. Everyone was in bed by 8:30 except me. I am up waiting on Adtran to come back up after I bounced it at 10:00.

Good night,



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