Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hello all,

Tonight was a struggle at gymnastics for Zac. I know that Zac is VERY competitive and does not like to not understand how to do something. I get that. Jennifer and I are working on that character trait of our son. At the same time, his teacher Mr. Mark is not very patient either. Most of the boys in Zac's class are in their second year of class at this level. Many of them know how to do the things that they are asked to do. Zac... does not. Because of this he sits out. I watch from the observation deck and watch Mr. Mark send Zac to run a lap. After his lesson, I met with Mr. Mark and spoke in private. I asked if the class was too much for Zac and if he should be dropped back a level. Mr. Mark disagreed and thought that Zac should give it another week to see if he has a better day.

I will be working with Zac on the skills that he is being asked to do. I hope that my help will allow him to stay focused on what we are asking him to do.



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