Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Hello all,

I'll skip all the stuff from work today. It can wait. Tonight's entry is about the kids Trick-or-Treating. Zac was dressed as Speed McQueen from the Disney movie Cars. Ali was dressed as Snow White. Most of you know who Snow White is from your days as a kid. Anyway, I pulled into the garage at 6:00 and the kids were ready to go -- buckets in hand. I quickly changed clothes and we were off to make the loop around the block.

Ali was on a mission. She was prompt to knock on the door and say TRICK OR TREAT!. We had to remind both kids to say Thank you, Happy Halloween. It is one thing to ask for candy, but they must be polite while doing it.

We made it around the block just in time for the air to become chilled. We turned on our porch light just in time to have the Hermson family drop by. The kids all looked like they were having a blast going from house to house.

After staying home for a few minutes, Jennifer called Diane to see if she wanted to see the kids in their costumes. We were soon off to Gramma's house for pictures and a quick loop around her block with Ali. Let me tell you, the kids had a blast!

We returned home in time for the final round of visitors and everyone was in bed before the night got too late.

Good night,



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