Monday, November 12, 2007

Day off, not really

Hell all,

My day started early. I called my supervisor this morning and asked for the day off, which was granted. I then took Ali and Zac to Burger King for breakfast to celebrate the day ahead. After dropping Ali and Zac off at school, I headed to Time Warner Cable to complain about my service being out and demanded to have someone there to fix it today. They said they would work on getting it taken care of but could not promise me anything.

While leaving the cable office, I got a phone call from my kids dentist office. They have dental appointments scheduled for today at 11:00. So, I rushed home and plugged in the new cable box and headed out the door to pick the kids up.

Jennifer met us at Dr. Feldhaus's office and went back with Zac while he had his teeth cleaned. Both kids did great! NO CAVITIES!!!

After the dentist, Zac and I went to Home Depot and picked up a small flashlight and a garbage disposal and headed home. We had the garbage disposal in after some initial frustration, but all was working by the time mom was home.

We spent the remains of the night listening to Ali read and watching some TV with the kids.

Good night!



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