Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Had to take a test

Hello all,

Today was a good day for me at DST. This morning I had a follow-up meeting with my manager and supervisor about the DST culture and how I'm fitting in with the team. They were pleased with my effort to get into the groove and become productive. I know that it will be at least another two or three weeks before I'm in a position to start working on code.

The big kicker came after my 12:30 meeting and I was informed I would be taking a Java 1.5 skills assessment at 1:00 downtown. I had thirty minutes to get my stuff and get downtown. I walked into the classroom at 1:07 and started to take a three hour test. I finished by 3:30 and was on my way home with questions in my head. The big one was the difference between StringBuffer and String. The next one was what is autoboxing in Java 5? At home I gave it a quick Google search and found my answers. I love Google...

Tonight's dinner is Yankee Pot Roast. I can't wait to try this new recipe. It really sounds good.



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