Saturday, November 22, 2008

Zac' 6th Birthday

Hello all,

What a great day for a birthday! This morning I woke up early and headed out to pick up donuts for breakfast for a special breakfast for Zac. I picked up chocolate donuts with sprinkles for Zac, sugar donuts for Ali and Jen and I both had cake donuts with chocolate frosting. I made a fresh pitcher of orange juice to wash it all down. Everyone enjoyed the surprise breakfast treat.

Zac and Ali both bowled well this morning. I could tell that Zac had his party on his mind while he was bowling his game. He was just too excited to settle down. Oh well, he still bowled a 76. Ali bowled well for her. Her first game was a 58 and her second game was 69. You are showing improvement! Keep it up!

After bowling, Zac and I headed home to eat a quick lunch and get ready for his party while Jen, Diane and Ali headed out on a few last minute errands before the party. Zac played on the computer while I made his lunch. Soon everyone was back at our house and eager to head to Gladstone Bowl for Zac's party!

We arrived at the bowling alley at 1:30 to prepare for the chaos that was to ensue. There were a lot of great stories from the party, but the one I'll always remember is a picture of Cole, Zac and Noah standing together and smiling. What a great picture. I think those three will find their fare share of trouble in the years to come.

It was soon time to head home and open the presents from the family. Aunt Susie and Uncle David gave Zac two more webkins. Grandma gave Zac a new soccer ball. Vanna and Kellen gave Zac a new sweater, jeans, hat, gloves and scarf. Mom, Ali and Dad gave Zac four huge drawing pads with colored markers. Zac was very excited to have his new toys and thanked everyone for their gifts with a hug.

After opening presents, we headed to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. The highlight of the night was watching Zac celebrate his birthday on saddle. He was so happy to be able to hear his name celebrated like that. He could not stop smiling after he returned to the table. I think that is what put the night over the top.

My little guy is now six years old. Congratulations young man. You have made your father very proud.



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