Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hello all,

Good evening to all of you. I hope that you have all enjoyed your Christmas with your friends and family. It has been a mixed day at the Scott house. The day started great. The family opened presents in the front room and everyone received lots of very nice things. Ali and Zac both received scooters from Santa. Zac's is a Hot Wheels while Ali's is High School Musical. The kids rode them around the house for many hours today. After lunch we went to see "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler at the Dickinson theater by our house. It was a great show. I laughed out loud many times. At the end of the movie, everyone in the family was cheering the happy ending.

Then our day took a turn for the worse. On the ride home, Ali started to complain about not feeling well. We took her temperature and she was at 102.8 and was laboring to breathe. Now, she has recently fought off pneumonia and neither Jen nor I wanted it to have a repeat of that so Jen and Ali went to Urgent Care on Christmas Day. I stayed home with Zac and prepared the Christmas turkey while they waited to be seen. After an hour, I receive a text message from Jen saying the doctors think it is a virus that will need to run its course. After they returned, it was time to eat.

This was my first turkey baked in an oven. I think it turned out better than I could have expected. Everyone enjoyed the meal and talked about the day. What a day it was indeed.



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