Saturday, January 10, 2009

Busy Day for a Change

Hello all,

Today was a great day. The kids had bowling this morning at Gladstone bowl. Ali beat her average both games. Her average is a 58 and she bowled a 75 and 84! Way to go Ali. Zac worked on keeping his hand straight while releasing the ball. This should help him from throwing a BIG hook and only getting three pins per frame. Hopefully he can get back to bowing in the 80 again.

After bowling, we headed home for lunch and then off to Ali's basketball practice. She is really good at defense and knows where to be for a rebound. Shooting touch will come in time. After practice the team went to McDonalds for Sundays and it gave the team a chance get to know one another. It also gave the parents a chance to meet the coaches.

Finally, Ali went to Riley M's birthday party/slumber party. The girl packed enough stuff for three days. It must be a girl thing: 2 pillows, sleeping bag, tooth brush, change of clothes for the morning, pink bathrobe, PJ's, slippers and pink blanket. Really now... Riley's parents must have thought she was moving in for a week!

That is about it for our day.



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