Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hello all,

It is cold today. Really cold. We received 5 inches of snow last night. I was outside at 7:15 shoveling the driveway and steps. When I finished with that we took the kids to Gladstone Bowl for their league. While there, we received a call that Ali's basketball game had been cancelled due to the weather. So, with the afternoon cleared, we took the kids to Oakwood Manor's Winter Carnival. The kids had a great time trying to win prizes. Ali was determined to win a cake at the Cake Walk. She never did. She must have tried over eight times, but never had her number called. Poor girl... she was very disappointed.

Zac won a free year to AKA Karate. Can you believe it? He won a free year of lessons. He is a little unsure if he wants to do it, but he is warming up to the thought of learning Karate. I'll keep you posted as to his progress.

OK, you are up to date.



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