Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sleeping in and Swimming

Hello all,

After a late night last night, we slept in and went to the 11:00 service at Good Shepherd. Ah, it did feel good to sleep until 10:00. OK, 9:00 for me, but who is really counting anyway? After church, we ate lunch and then headed to the Gladstone pool for our weekly trip to swim. We were met by the Yorks. Ali and Zac enjoyed playing with Toffer and Brett while Cyndi and Jennifer watched them in two feet of water. I decided to take a few trips down the water slide just to see if the water was still cold. After several tests, I can assure you the water is just as cold in the 13 foot as it is in the 4 foot!

At 5:00, we headed home. I could tell by the look of the sky that it was shaping up to be a noisy night and I was right. Once home, I mowed the yard quickly and put everything away before the weather hit.

It is almost midnight and I'm still up with Jennifer. It looks like everything will pass to our North.

Jen just said it is time for bed.



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