Sunday, March 07, 2010

Five Years Later

Hello all,

Mom, Danna, Nicole and I all stood at Dad's headstone this afternoon. Five years ago today my Dad passed away in his home in Randolph, Iowa. Today was cold. Mom had been to the cemetery a few days earlier to clear a path and clean off Dad's headstone. The sun was out today and I could hear the blackbirds in the trees nearby. I miss you Dad. I wish I could just take one more ride with you in the truck. One more casual conversation to pass the time would be a precious gift. You were taken well before your time. You would be so proud of your grandchildren. They are all growing up so fast. Ali and Zac talk about you all of the time. They ask simple questions that should be beyond their years. A nine and seven year old should not need to ask their father if Grandpa was watching their basketball game from Heaven. Like a champ, they answer their own question with a smile and say He sure was!

I miss you Dad. I know you are in a better place right now. You are no longer in pain. Thank you for loving me the way you did and raising me to be the man I have become. I am doing my best to teach my kids the same lessons you taught me.

I love you Dad.



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