Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Fun in the park

Hello all,

It was a fun night down on the ranch. Mom had to work late for end of month, so we made a quick batch of pancakes and were off to the park. Ali and Zac really enjoyed their time at the park behind Park Hill HS. It is a great park for little kids because the surface is a rubberaized plastic. That way if the kids fall down, they bounce. If you have ever seen Zac play, you would know he bounces a lot!

Here are some of the pics.

They played hard for the better part of an hour. I decided it was time to go home when the mosquitoes started to feed on my legs. If they were getting me, I was sure they were heading towards the kids too.

Once we got home, it was time for the kids to take a bath and get ready for bed. I'm looking forward to a relaxing night at home.



Blogger Steve Brown said...

"Fun in the Park" - A great post. Pictures always seem to bring a post to life. Keep up the good work.

Steve Brown

September 01, 2004 8:05 AM  

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