Sunday, February 20, 2005

Went up to see mom and dad today

Hello all,

Just a quick note from Andy here. I made it up to Iowa today and brought the kids up. Ali had a great time with Nana. She even got mom to take her and Zac out to the fish pond to look at the fishies swimming. However, it was pretty cold today and Ali's cheeks were rosy by the time they came back inside.

After warming up for a few minutes, Zac and Ali were ready to run the circuit of rooms in the house. From the kitchen to dad's room, the kids ran loops through the house. Every once in a while a dull cry could be heard from Zac. I'm sure Ali had nothing to do with it. ( ha ha ha ).

Before long it was time for us to make our way back to Kansas City. The kids slept for most of the trip. Ali woke up when I turned on to N. Congress. Isn't it funny how kids can sleep for over an hour and sense when they are almost home.

Better close and get the kids to bed.



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