Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Winter Wonderland

Hello all,

Well the snow fell hard yesterday and I am staying off the streets again today. Call me a chicken, but driving 45 minutes to Overland Park, KS is not a lot of fun when the salt and sand trucks have been out all night making the concrete roads an ice rink. Now in all fairness, the roads are probably very safe, but the drivers on the roads are what makes me nervous. I have seen my fair share of idiots cutting drivers off just so they can cut someone off again. On days like today, I chose to work from the comfort of my own home. Here are some of the perks:

1. First one to the coffee pot.
2. First one to the printer.
3. I can talk as loud as I want while on a conference call and no one cares.
4. Prime parking spot in the parking garage.
5. No annoying white noise
6. Great view of squires running through the snow.
7. It is quiet.
8. I don't have to drive home!!!

I should think of two more, but should get back to work.




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