Saturday, May 07, 2005

Miss you Dad

Hello all,

I went to sit down with dad this afternoon. It was my first time visiting the gravesite. It was hard. I cried for a while Jennifer and Ali stayed in the car. I sat down next to his grave and talked to him. I let him know that I missed him very much. I felt like a little kid waiting for his father to take his hand and tell him "Everything is going to be ok." It felt good to cry.

Sometimes I just need to let it out.
Everyday I miss him.

I miss the way he would stand from afar and watch me. I always knew he was there. All I had to do was look out of the corner of my eye. He would be right there. Either sitting in the stands, on the sideline or leaning against the fence -- Dad was always there.

Now that he is gone, it is like having a mountain range removed from the skyline. It is that big of a change. He was always there for me. Now I feel like I am all alone. Who do I turn to now? There will never be another man in my life that helped me discover so much about me. Thanks for that Dad.



I talk to Zac every night about doing the right things in life. We are starting off simple:

Putting his toys away.
Eating all of his dinner.
Working hard on potty training.

In time we will venture into the more mature topics, but for right now we are doing fine. Please keep watching over me and my family. I sure do appreciate your guidance.




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