Thursday, August 31, 2006

Boys night out at the Chiefs Game

Hello all,

Tonight, the Scott Boys hit the town. Yep, look out Kansas City because Dad and Zac are coming to Arrowhead! We were going to tailgate and all of that, but Zac really just wanted to eat a PB&J sandwich. So, that is what we did. After a quick bite to eat, we headed into the statium. Zac's first words when we walked through the tunnel were Look Dad, it's the football game! Yep Zac, it was the football game.

After we found our seats, we went to get lemonaid and walked around the concourse for a few minutes. We were back in our seats by the time KC Wolf came out for pre-game. Zac was cheering as the wolf tackled each of the Saints actors. It was about gametime.

During the game, Zac watched the field. He followed the plays and cheered when the chiefs made a tackle. I don't think that Zac fully understood the noise on 3rd down, but he sure did try to contribute as often as possible.

By 8:30, it was time for the two of us to head back home. Zac asked if we could go to sleep. We were about to leave when I realized that I had not taken any pictures of our adventure. So, here are a few self portraits!

It was a great night! I am really looking foward to this being an annual event for Zac and I.

Good night,


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