Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Message to Dad


Hello again from Kansas City. I am writing you for both Danna and I. You see, we were IM'ing each other last night before bed and started talking about you. I know that you already know all of this, but we all miss you very much. We dream about you often. It is like you have not left us.

Ali came to me the other day and told me all about her conversation she had with Grandpa up in her room. I want to say thank you for checking in on her from time to time. I'm sure you pop your head in on Zac as well, but he is not the big talker like Ali. From what she said, you two had a wonderful conversation. You heard all about how she is going to go to school and pack her lunch and play with her friend Jeremiah. It just does not get any better than the enthusiasm of a five year old who is in the mood to talk. :)

OK Dad, I'm going to try to fall asleep now. I am looking forward to your next visit from HEAVEN. I'm sure Ali will have a lot to share with you. It is probably against the rules for you to respond to this blog message, but I can always hope.

I wish you were here to help me understand.




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