Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Still Hot

Hello all,

What a day. I walked into the office this morning and was greeted by Chris, Lisa and Steve: there were problems with my application. Last night, Chris called me and asked me a few questions so I was prepared for the greeting party.

After a few minutes of getting my head around the problem, I was sitting in front of my computer and found the solution. I had missed merging six lines of code from two versions of a function. I thought all was well.

An hour later, another issue that had gone undetected became visible. This one took more effort to solve. By 4:00, the team had signed off on my code changes and they were migrated out by 5:00. What a day.

When I walked into the house, I was greeted by my two wonderful children. They were very happy to see me. Jennifer was making dinner. I felt like Ward Cleaver coming home. Wow. If it was not 105° F outside, I would have taken the kids to the park to have some fun. To stay cool, we stayed inside and played a few games and passed the night. We ended up watching the Royals for a while and cheered our favorite players.

I can't wait for the heat to break. It will be nice to be able to get outside again.



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