Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My best day

Hello all,

Today was one of the best days of my year. I won a major victory for not only me, but many of my friends and co-workers at Embarq. Today I did what I have always wanted to do when confronted with an unreasonable expectation. I simply asked why? The question sparked a series of emails that called a few managers decisions into question. These responses were then used by many of my co-workers to open a dialogue with their managers about the past weekend's 24x7 work schedule. Yes, today Dad would have been proud of me. I simply had the courage to ask why we were working so hard on a testing system when real revenue generating projects were being put on hold.


Thanks for teaching me that life is all about making choices. I hope you were looking down on me today and smiled as your boy stood up for himself and those around him. I could feel you around me tonight as if you were patting me on the back.
I love you Dad.



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