Thursday, September 07, 2006

Zac's appointment

Hello all,

After waiting for many months, Jen and I were finally able to get Zac into see a specialist. After a thorough evaluation, we were relieved to hear that our son is not autistic. The doctor believes that our son is very bright and wants to explore and see how stuff works. That was great news. During the visit, Zac played with a lot of toys. He would put a puzzle together for a while and then put it way and want to play with trains. He is a little hyper-active, but nothing that will require medication.

Our biggest concern was Zac's sleeping patterns. He has a tendency to not shut down at night. Our doctor asked us to try Melatonin. It is a natural herb that the body makes on its own. It is possible that Zac just doesn't make enough of it. Anyway, we gave Zac some tonight after he brushed his teeth. He was sleeping in bed within 30 minutes -- right on queue.

I'll keep you posted.

Good night,



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