Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Hello all,

JENNIFER AND I ARE VERY PROUD OF ZACHARY TONIGHT!!! At Mercury Gymnastics Zac stayed focused on each activity that Mr. Mark was leading the class through. He stayed on task and followed directions. He only had to run one lap, and that was more my fault than his. Zac was looking for my encouragement while climbing the rope, and I was not paying close enough attention. I met him at the base of the stairs and encouraged him to KEEP GOING. He made it back to his class in short order and was re-engaged with his tumbling.

He also did great on the rings. He listened to Mr. Mark and swung his legs from front to back and side to side. Zac was also able to climb on the pommel horse and straddle it as asked.

For his efforts, Zac was able to jump on the trampoline and have fun in the foam pit with the other kids. It was his best night EVER! I wish I could have bottled up the smile on his face when he came upstairs from the gym floor. He was SO proud of himself, as he should have been.

I LOVE YOU ZAC! Way to go Little Man.



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