Thursday, December 04, 2008

.99 Cent Gasoline

Hello all,

Tonight I spent some money to save some money at HY-VEE. The promotion was if you buy $80 worth of groceries then you can get $.40 cents off a gallon at the pump. Well, I'm not the brightest bulb in the store, but I know we can always use dry goods in the pantry as well as frozen orange juice. So I bought 10 cans of frozen OJ, spaghetti noodles, some macaroni, spaghetti sauce, canned fruit, some coffee as well as a loaf of bread and a 12 pack of coke for me. It was $80.12. I then filled the van up for $20.11. That tank of gas would have cost me over $80 alone in July. Now I have a full tank of gas and a stocked panty. I should not hear "There's nothing to eat in this house!"




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