Sunday, December 28, 2008

Nana's Visit

Hello all,

The weather has cleared today and the snow has melted. Kansas City is having some very strange weather recently. It was 68 degrees on Friday. Saturday it was 30. Today it was 40. Tomorrow it is suppose to be in the 50's again. Then by Wednesday it will be freezing rain and snow. I just don't know what to tell the kids anymore when they get up. Do I tell them to put on their winter jacket or just put it in the car for later? It is all very confusing for a 6 and 8 year old.

Anyway, Nana is in town for the next few days. She will be spending some time with Ali and Zac while Jen and I are working while the kids are on winter break. Tonight Jennifer went to a Sigma Kappa Alumni event and had a great time. While there, I drove mom and the kids around the Plaza to see the lights. On our way home, I drove past my current office and the place DST is moving us to in April. All in all, it was a great night.



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