Monday, June 21, 2004

Not feeling so well

Hey guys, the last few days have not been the best for the Scott family. Ali started feeling sick on Thursday. By the end of the day Friday, I was feeling under the weather as well. To compound the situation at home, Zac joined the infirmary as well. That left nurse Jen to deal with three sick kids. Yes, I know, I act like a big old kid when I am sick. I want to lay around the house and not do anything at all! So, Friday night I sleep in Zac's bed to allow Jen to get some much needed sleep. Saturday morning at 3:30 AM, Zac starts to scream. Come to find out, his throat was as soar as mine.

By 9:00 AM, the three sick kids went to Urgent care. Ali and Zac were both given something to dry out their noses and allow them to get some sleep. However, I was told "it will need to run its course." Thanks a lot doc.

So, that afternoon I started to take Tylenol for my aches and pains and lots of water. By the evening, I was feeling good enough to watch Chasing Liberty with Jen. It was a good show. I would say it is line with all those girl movies that have some girl that is trying to find out who she is and stumbles into a very attractive male figure. They end up falling in love and they live happily ever after. Not bad for only $2.99.

Oh yeah, Father's Day was yesterday. I called my dad to wish him the best on this day. I found out that he was going to be a busy man all day. I'm sure I'll turn into that once Ali and Zac grow up and start lives of there own. Ah... don't grow up to fast kids.

Jen played golf with her father, brother and uncle on Sunday. I am very proud of my wife. From all reports, she played very well. I am looking forward to seeing her get out more with me this year! I'll post pictures when we go play next!

Hmmm... that should get you up to speed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. Posting a comment as anonymous.

July 01, 2004 12:50 PM  

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