Thursday, July 15, 2004

Day at home with Zac

Hello all,
Well Zac did not have a good night.  He would not lay down last night without screaming.  I spent the night in my recliner with him on my shoulder.  He would not sleep for more than 45 minutes at a time.  It took a lot out of me to say the least.  At 5:30 in the morning, I was still in the chair with Zac rolling from shoulder to shoulder.  It was a long night.  When the alarm went off at 5:30, I told Jen that I was going to stay home.  By the morning, I was not feeling very well.  I was all stuffed up and just not feeling like going to work.  Oh yeah, Zac was still up at 7:00. 
We stayed home and had "quality" time.  He cried/whined most of the day.  He didn't want to lay down.  He didn't want to sit down.  He didn't want to do anything.  What he did want to do was eat.  He had cheerios for breakfast and eggs and toast for lunch.  Even when he is not feeling well, he still has an appetite.
Ok, lets get on with the day.  He took his first nap when I picked up Ali from day care.  It lasted 15 minutes while we were all in the car.  He as not taken a nap since that one and oh, by the way it is 11:06 PM.  I hope he doesn't wake up tonight.  I just don't think I can handle sleeping in the chair again.  :)
And for the record when he is sick, he doesn't want mommy.  Both of my children are like that.  They want daddy.  I know, I should cherish this fact that my children want me when they don't feel well.  It is hard to think those thoughts when I'm cleaning myself up after they get sick on me for the "n-th" time that night. 
Well, it is 11:09 and the house is still quiet.  I'm not going to push my luck anymore.
Good night all!

P.S. Well, it was too good to be true.  Zac was up until 1:00 and I rocked him until he fell asleep.
What a night.


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