Saturday, July 24, 2004

It rained today

Hello all,

I have been busy today. Zac was up by 6:00. I was up by 6:15. That is how my day started. I was able to give him some Cheerios for breakfast and lay down for another 30 minutes while he ate them. It did not take him long to find me once they were gone. We played in the living room while the women of the house slept.

It rained for most of the morning. If you didn't look at a calander, you would think it was mid October. It was 58 degrees Farenheit at 12:00. It was in the high 80's to mid 90's all week and now 58. My air conditioner has had the day off. I'm sure it needed it.

In the afternoon I took the kids over to Don Dayton's house to pick up my new putter. I had an Odessey knockoff putter made for me. I had it made to accomodate for my above average height. A standard putter is 34 inches long. Mine is 37. I'm sure some would call it a belly putter, but I assure you, it will ont be used as such.

Jen and I escaped for a dinner for two at Skies tonight. It was suppose to be a night of dinner and an American Hearthland Theater show, but I was coming down with a headache so we called it a night early. We were able to watch the Royals lose again. I guess I should have taken three asprin instead of just two. Maybe it would help the Royals play better....

Good night,


Andy's steps: 8248


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