Monday, August 02, 2004

Injury update

Hello all,

Just an update on my night. Tonight I was watching the kids play in the wading pool on our deck and decided to put some more water in the pool. I put the hose in and turned it on. Oh, Ali just loved to run the cold water on Zac's back. He would just scream and run away on to return seconds later for more. They did this for twenty minutes -- splash, giggle, run away, return.

I thought the pool was getting full enough to keep the kids busy for a while, so I stepped off of my deck to turn the facet off and twisted my left ankle a bit. I stepped on a clump of hard dirt that was just big enough to allow my weight to shift to the outside of my foot. Then gravity took over and my foot rolled under my own weight. I shut the water off and hopped inside to elevate it and evaluate the extent of the injury. It hurt really bad at first, but the swelling is minor and I can walk on it. Needless to say, I am lucky. It could have been a lot worse.

While watching Tiger Woods play golf on TV, I soaked my foot in an ice water bath. Three trays of ice and water. Nothing quite like a numb foot to make the night pass slowly. Jen wanted to help me take my mind off of my ankle so we played a few hands of Gin Rummy. It was not fair. I only won two hands. If she wanted to make me feel better, she could have thrown a few more games my way! :)

Ok, the kids are in bed now and it is time for me to get some sleep. Tomorrow is the big vote for the KC arena tomorrow. I encourage everyone who can vote, go vote!

Good night!



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