Friday, October 01, 2004

Dad's favorite memories

Hello all,

Over the past few days I have been asking my dad to tell me some of his favorite memories growing up. I started it off by asking him what his favorite Christmas present. This is what he said.
My favorite present growing up was a green corduroy suit that mom and dad gave to me my Freshman year in college. It was in the style of the Beatles. I thought it looked pretty good.

Now, dad has taught me to play a lot of sports. It started with baseball followed by football and basketball. You would have thought that I would have asked my dad what position he played growing up, but I never did until now. My dad was a second basemen and then went on to play outfield and third base later in his men's league days. I am not built like my dad. I have never been fleet of foot. I would not have been a very good second baseman. I was however a good target for the infield at first base. If you could not hit a target that was 6'8", you had a problem.

I'll post more of my dad's memories as they come up in our conversations.



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