Sunday, October 10, 2004

Weekend without the family!

Hello all! I thought since my hubby was so wonderful about keeping everyone posted on the family that I ought to do the same!

I had a good weekend although I was lonely without the kids and Andy. Friday night I hung out with mom, Katrina, Eddie & their kids. It was a great evening but seeing them with their little ones made me miss mine even more! Saturday was pretty easy going - and much needed. I got to sleep in a little bit and then met my dad out at the Woodland's to watch the horses race. Happily - I came out ahead in the end - a whole $0.40. Yipee!! Then I came home and took a nice little nap! I met some friends for dinner at IHOP - Tracie, Brent & their friends made for an entertaining evening!

Sunday was a long day, but a lot of fun! I started off teaching our Senior High Sunday school class! What an incredible group of kids I have! I am really glad that I'm not a teenager in today's world - they really do have it pretty rough! After Sunday School I went to lunch with my mom at Olive Garden - that soup, salad and breakstick meal is pretty darn good! Then I got Zac his Halloween costume - he's going to be a Giraffe! He's so cute! Finally I had my BeautiControl spa.

The spa went well! I have really enjoyed selling my BeautiControl products! I find myself actually getting excited to put on makeup which is really unlike me! It's been wonderful to meet so many interesting people and bring just a little bit of relaxation to their lives. Hopefully they have enjoyed the experience as much as I have. The business is going really well. I've had 7 or 8 spas now and still have 4 booked for the end of this month. Hopefully when things really get going I'll be able to get some bills paid off and Andy and I can consider not living in this house anymore!

Well, that's my weekend. Thankfully my family made it home safe and sound and I've really enjoyed having the added noise in the house this evening! Hope all is well with your families!!




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