Thursday, June 24, 2004

Ice cream

Have you ever pondered the power of the words ice cream? They are magic words. They make misbehaving children straighten up. As the parent, I can then threaten to withhold ice cream if they do not do as I wish. I know, it is horrible to bribe my children, but tonight I was not above it. It started at home. I needed to run an errand to Wal-Mart. Now, at the time Ali and Zac were just finishing up dinner. I thought it was a perfect time to move from the dinner table to the car before they became involved in something else.

I was wrong. Little did I know that Ali would have her heart set on playing with the little tykes tricycle and Zac would run to the toy car. I realized if I wanted to get this task done, I would need heavy artillery. I asked them if they wanted ice cream. It stunned them for a second and then the thought of that cold cream made them move towards the door to the basement. It was like I was the pied piper.

Ali and Zac behaved for the most part in Wal-Mart. Ali only started to act up in the check out line. Before long we were on our way to the car and then Sheridans. In unison, two voices started to ask for ice cream once the car started.

As the car pulled into the drive thru, Ali started to cheer and Zac clapped for joy. Ice cream was almost here.

I made them both wait until we arrived home to eat their treat. They sat at the kitchen table and consumed their prize. Once they had their fill, I informed them it was time for a bath.

Not a bad night all in all.



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