Friday, August 06, 2004


Hello all,

Just a quick note on news from Sprint about IBM. There is no news -- except to make your new manager know what you do and how well you do it. Yes, suck up and rub elbows. Nothing could make me happier than to hear that from a director. Hmmm... makes you wonder how he got to that position.

Anyway, Jen and I met Diane and the kids for dinner tonight at the Rib Crib. It is a new restaurant in Zona Rosa. The food is good quality and well priced. I enjoyed it a lot. Zac ate well, but Ali decided she didn't want to eat what she ordered. This is becoming a recurring theme of hers. She is going to be four in December. Shirley four will be better than three...

After dinner, I took the kids home with me as Jennifer and Diane ran some errands. As soon as the kids were upstairs, they were stripping off their clothes to get into the pool. I let them splash around for 20 minutes and then called for them to come inside and get dried off. After a little encouragement, I had two shivering kids running down the hallway Ali's room to get dried off and change into fresh clothes.

With dinner in their stomachs and warm PJs on, the kids were off to bed early. It was nice to have the evening alone with Jen. We watched some TV, but mostly just caught up on the days activities. It was nice.

Well, off to bed.



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