Saturday, July 03, 2004

Late night fun...

Well, it is a wonderful night in KC. The weather is unseasonably mild for the 3rd of July. Jen and I had Diane over for dinner. We put some steaks on the grill and had a traditional American celebration with family. After dinner, the kids were starting to climb the walls. They wanted to be outside.

So off we went for a walk in the little wagon. The kids were great. As we were getting ready to head home, I asked Ali if she wanted to go to the park and play on the slides. She said yes, and off we went.

As we approached the park, several families were setting off their own fireworks in the distance. Ali does not like fireworks. She spent the duration of the stay with Grandma. Zac was much more adventurous. He played on both slides and ran round the park often.

The best part was when he wanted to play on the monkey bars. He stood under the monkey bars and raised his hands. I lifted him up and snapped these shots. I tried to get more, but the darkness of the evening was not helping my digital camera to focus on him very well.

This picture was snapped as Zac lost his grip on the monkey bars. He fell only a short distance onto a rubberized surface. He kept his balance and was of and running.

I did take a few pictures of Ali tonight. Here she is sitting with Grandma Diane.

It has been a lot of fun. I am looking forward to going to Parkville tomorrow night for the fireworks. I hope Ali and Zac enjoy the show.

Good night,


Blogger Steve Brown said...

Love your pictures.

Glad your golf instruction is working out. Sounds like great fun. I would be embarrassed to swing a club in front of anybody.

July 03, 2004 11:08 PM  

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