Saturday, July 03, 2004

Little man's big day

Hello all... This morning Zac and I took a trip to Sports Cuts. Yes, it was time for my little boy to get his first haircut by someone other than mom or myself. We waited patiently for his turn. Finally the his name was read: "Zachary Scott, I'm ready for you." Ah, my little boy walked to the chair himself and asked Dad for a boost up into the seat. It almost made me cry.

The cut started with his hair being sprayed with water. He giggled. He didn't even fuss when his curley locks started to hit the floor. I have stored a handfull of his hair for mom and I.

He was a champ. All was well until the clippers touched his neck. I thought he was going to wiggle out of his chair! With a little encouragement, he remained seated. When his haircut was over, he high-fived the stylist and waved bye-bye to everyone in the shop.

Here is a picture of him after his shower. He was just too tired to play any more!

Ah, he is just too cute.



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